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Continuity and performance with Power Cloud

Databalance is an IBM Preferred Power Cloud vendor, operating one of the biggest Power Clouds in Europe. We can therefore deliver IBM Power systems as managed cloud solutions operated from our own data centres. IBM Power systems offer unique, unrivalled levels of reliability and availability. In combination with the managed services of our Power specialists, we can provide AIX, Linux or Power-i systems as high-availability managed solutions.

From AS/400 to the Power Cloud

Many organisations currently use AS/400 systems. The platform is stable, it’s got a long track record of solid performance, and everything is operations-centred. In today’s setting, however, such (legacy) systems can be a brake on growth and innovation. And finding the people with the qualifications and know-how to run them can be a challenge. With a team of Power Cloud and Power specialists, we have both the ideal infrastructure and the in-house expertise needed for testing and migrating your AS/400 systems to the cloud.

Outstanding Power specialists

We attach great importance to skill and personal growth. That’s one of the reasons why we have very low staff turnover and a team of Power specialists with vast knowledge and experience. Having worked with IBM Power systems for many years, they are uniquely placed to move your AS/400 systems to our Power Cloud. Even IBM itself makes use of our Power system know-how, and follows the best practices of our Power specialists in fields such as SAP implementations.

Best of both worlds

Reliability is the main reason why so many AS/400 systems remain in use, often running locally. They’re pretty much indestructible. However, as indicated earlier, such systems can act as a brake on innovation and digital transition. By migrating your AS/400 systems to our Power Cloud, you get the best of both worlds. You continue to benefit from the availability and reliability of your Power systems, while also leveraging the advantages of the cloud.

Want to know more about Power Cloud?

Still running an AS/400 system? Interested in learning what our Power Cloud platform has to offer? Reach out to one of our Power specialists or solution architects to explore the options. They’ll be happy to give no-strings advice about our Power Cloud platform and the best way to migrate AS/400 systems to the Databalance Power Cloud.

Relevant cases

“For Agrifirm, it’s important that we make continuous progress. Progress in terms of having the right systems, resources and expertise, but also in cultural terms. Databalance shares our central cultural values.”

Korver Holland
Korver Holland

“Like many other organisations, we reached a point where our local IT environment didn’t have the speed or volumetric capacity required for our operations.”

Oriental Holding
Oriental Holding

“With the Virtual Information and Security Officer, we have gained a lot of calm and oversight in a short time, from which we can now work more professionally forward and focus on what we are good at.”

Curious what we can do for you?
Get in touch with Nordi Malih,
Nordi Malih, CEO bij Databalance Services BV
Curious what we can do for you?
Get in touch with Nordi Malih,
Nordi Malih, CEO bij Databalance Services BV
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