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Starting from a full contextual picture

In every industry and sector, the requirements for success are different. So, before starting on the design of a managed cloud solution, we always build a full picture of the context in which the client operates: the market forces, the competition and the sectoral landscape. We see that picture as essential for a truly bespoke proposal that reflects the requirements of both the organisation and the sector.


Fight for the customer

Efficient distributor-retailer interaction is vital to business continuity and success in the retail sector. Speed is everything in a world where consumers increasingly expect immediate service. Along with slick processes, flexibility and scalability are preconditions for continued growth and the ability to meet market demands regarding drop-shipment and e-commerce, for example.


Chain integration towards Industry 4.0

Product manufacture nowadays involves significant customisation, with the ability to adapt production run sizes increasingly the norm. That implies flexibility and the ability to scale up and back, in order to make optimal use of personnel and machinery. An equally flexible and scalable IT environment is therefore required, which remains in step with the changing needs of the organisation, its staff and its customers.


Facilitating citizens

In the public sector, service delivery always involves reconciling the desire for speed, flexibility and convenience with the need to assure privacy, security and responsible data processing. As digitisation gathers pace and new technologies come on line, citizens expect increased functionality and shorter waiting times, without any reduction in confidentiality or trust. At every turn, therefore, both efficiency and security must be considered.


Coping with work pressure

Systems and data are more business-critical in health care than in any other sector. When outages can cost lives, they simply can’t be tolerated. However, many of the systems used in health care operate in legacy IT environments, while patients expect the latest technology and apps, plus effective privacy and data safeguards. For a successful transition to the cloud, where convenience, sustainability and solution security are assured, the first steps are critical.


Responding to changing needs

In a rapidly changing and increasingly interconnected world, consumers and businesses constantly expect more from technology and infrastructure. The need to respond effectively, even to transient change, is a modern reality. Scalable and durable cloud solutions make that possible, and give organisations the agility and flexibility needed to operate in a highly dynamic landscape.

Curious what we can do for you?
Get in touch with Nordi Malih,
Nordi Malih, CEO bij Databalance Services BV
Curious what we can do for you?
Get in touch with Nordi Malih,
Nordi Malih, CEO bij Databalance Services BV
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