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Our ISO certification is an important metric to be able to measure and guarantee the quality of our services. Customers build and rely on our certification.

Both Databalance and its customers, as well as partners, must be compliant with laws and regulations and meet security requirements. For us, ISO certification is therefore not a check in the box or snapshot but a ‘way of working’ and part of our DNA. We keep raising the bar for ourselves and aim for ‘no findings’ in every audit. Our certificates are listed below. If you would like to know more about these certifications, we would be happy to meet. It is always useful to exchange knowledge and experiences and we are happy to share our best practices.

Our security, privacy and compliance

Since 2015


ISO 27001 is a globally recognised standard in the field of information security. The standard describes how information should be secured to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information.

Since 2017


Information security is a complex and necessary obligation for healthcare organisations, where a lot of medical and patient data is exchanged. NEN 7510 is the standard for information security in the healthcare sector.

Since 2022

ISO 9001

ISO9001 is the international standard for quality management systems. An ISO 9001 certificate demonstrates, that the processes to continuously improve the organisation’s quality meet international standards.

Since 2022

ISAE 3402

The ISAE 3402 is an assurance report that allows organisations to demonstrate that they are in control and that processes are set up and executed correctly. With an ISAE 3402, the quality measures are therefore actually tested for operation.

Curious what we can do for you?
Please contact Sebastiaan Bakker,
Curious what we can do for you?
Please contact Sebastiaan Bakker,
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